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Thanks for stopping by my little slice of the internet. I write here about Newcastle restaurants, North East food & drink producers, and food-based events in my favourite city and ccasionally beyond.

Newcastle Eats exists only to share my experiences of eating out in Newcastle restaurants with you. The food & drink landscape of this great city has improved enormously over the last decade, and it’s rewarding to see readers try somewhere independent that they might not have otherwise off the back of 500 words and some photos.

I endeavour to not be your typical demographic food-blagger. I’ve been doing this since 2011, and don’t just do shitposts about The Botanist like so many others. It’s not won me many friends, but people usually respect that.


I work 9-5 in digital marketing, and could probably help you with your online marketing (especially in food & drink).

Current likes: bigger portions of non-fussy food, better availability of better beer, more relaxed dining options. Homebrewing!
Current dislikes: Insta “foodies”/blaggers who say “yummy” a lot, the copy/paste nature of high street chains, awful food trends, a lack of plates. Wine markups!

This is just a two-bit blog, so don’t expect Marina O’Laughlin standard here, and my photos are always unedited, and just shot on an iPhone, in the moment.

After much toing and froing, as of 2023, I have a hardline stance. I will not be running any paid-for #ads, #sponsored or anything like that on my social platforms, or on this site.

I’ve done a fair bit of it in the past (will always be denoted #ad) and it has always made me feel dirty, so I’m aiming to be a cut above the rest by not doing it. Everything you see on here will have been paid for, by myself. I spend a large proportion of my time and money on gaining a better understanding of the food & drink of the city.

Integrity is really fucking important to me, so if you want to question it, get in touch and I would love to voice my opinions.


If you’d like to add content to this site, be aware that I write every word on here and so will be highly unlikely to accept third-party content. That said, there is an outside chance if you have relevant content that I might be interested in — think, North East + food related. Charitable, or feel-good efforts.

I’m usually very happy to provide comment on something for your site or publication, whether food and drink, or North East related. If you’re interested in working with me, see this page for some examples and information. I also operate a Newcastle-based content writing sevice.

  • Just another blogger who’ll post an #ad for your garbage product (#shitstagrammers)
  • Willing to accept proposals from awful PR companies and the like who have taken zero time to read this page
  • Gonna do anything for free for you (unless you are a charitable/great cause)
  • The Journal secret diner
  • Affiliated with absolutely anyone else online with newcastleeats in their username or URL
  • A professional/paid-for critic (I try my best)
  • Looking for SEO assistance (did you get this far)
what i'm not newcastle eats


This site is deeply ingrained in my identity now, and this is what it means to me to write on here each week:

I’m independent, mostly

In a world where sentiment towards #influencers is very negative, I try to remember why I do this. I’m not in it for a quick £100 for promoting the latest tooth whitening product. There are dozens on social media who do that instead. It’s all shite. Most of the content you see here will be from independent businesses, not global brands. You cannot buy my reach.

Proudly in the 1% better club

I wholly, unreservedly engross myself in an ever-changing world of food & drink, and try to learn more about the industry every single day. If I can be 1% more knowledgeable about diverse ingredients, ancient techniques, and classic cooking, I can be more engaging for everyone. Most others, don’t.

This is a two-way conversation

My DMs are always open — this site is about shouting about where’s great — for you. Am I posting about too many high-end meals or too many crappy takeaways? Is there somewhere I’m painfully missing? Do you wish I took more pics? Do you completely disagree with someone I’ve written? Shout out and I will get back to you and adjust where I’ve gotten it wrong.

If you’ve got a question, comment, feedback, correction, inclusion, or other query, email me, get me on Instagram or fill out the below and I will reply to you where relevant.

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