I saved all the cheese for the last of your healthy Arla breakfasts 🧀
Savoury breakfasts typically mean sausage, eggs, and bacon in the UK, which is a shame, as there’s something about heading into the day with some fats and protein which keeps you fired up way, way longer than even a huge bowl of rice pops does.
As the name suggests, Arla’s Lactofree cheddar contains no lactose – the sugar which a growing number of people are intolerant to. Having tried it as someone who isn’t particularly lactose intolerant – I really can’t taste the difference between this and a regular cheddar, and you can buy it in soft, harder, or creamed varieties too.
Today’s breakfast is a cheesy one, though I can also vouch for replacing the crispbreads with some gently scrambled eggs or an omelette for something similarly wholesome. Those scandis are really onto something when it comes to their diets y’know…
Monday’s Great Breakfast: Lactofree cheddar on crispbreads

- as much Lactofree cheddar as you like
- quality crisp breads (I used Peter’s Yard)
- 1tb pesto
- a few cherry tomatoes
- your best butter
- best cranberry/raspberry/lingonberry jam
Finish off your week with possibly the easiest one yet – the hardest part is resisting a nibble of cheese, as it’s best if you can take your cheddar out an hour or so before eating so it gets to temperature.
I’ve went for a ‘three course meal’ here, so I guess this could be more of a brunch than a breakfast – just add your favourite toppings to some great crisp breads. Try one with just a thin spread of butter and the cheese to savour the cheese, and make a more substantial crisp bread by topping with a good pesto, chopped tomato, and cheddar.
For “dessert” – try the cheese on a slathering of a your favourite tangy jam – something not too sweet to help cut through the fat in the the cheese. That should send you on your way until well after lunchtime!
Day 1: Skyr with fruit and nuts
Day 2: Strawberry milkshake smoothie
Day 3: Granola & Skyr layers
Day 4: Overnight oats
Day 5: Cottage-cheesecake bars
Day 6: American pancakes