Newcastle Eats is a food blog featuring restaurant reviews & local food writing for the greatest city in the world, Newcastle upon Tyne. Collecting large restaurant bills, and documenting them here since 2011.
Created by Jeff Lyall.
View by Location
Manny’s Pizza Deli, Newcastle
July 2, 2015
Update: Manny’s closed after dispute with landlord in 2017 sometime.
Recipe: Perfect Banana Bread
November 20, 2014
We’ve been on a bit of a health kick this week, buying only fruit and veg from the Grainger Market in an effort to cut down on the norm of pasta/bread every single day.
Afternoon Tea in Newcastle
September 29, 2014
If I had a quid for every time I’ve been asked, “where is the best afternoon tea in Newcastle”…I’d have a few quid to spend on another afternoon tea, of course. Can’t get enough!